MOTHER | Day 6 | May we all heal
Some might contract and feel pity when they hear our story. Don’t. Even as I was commuting back and forth to the hospital to visit my life limited girl, I felt like the luckiest mother in the world.
Grateful to have her know my voice when I walk in the room, and turn to find me. Every day I got to look into her big beautiful eyes and tell her how loved she is, and what a brave girl to choose this life. You see, Eva and I communicated with each other before I even knew for sure I was pregnant. She has taught me so very much about life on earth and life in heaven. There are few people who get these lessons. So even though I wish she was in my arms every second of every minute of every day, I know she gleefully chose me to be her mother, and I am humbly honored.
Somewhere along the way we made a pact, she would watch over us and I would spread her lessons of LOVE. Don’t feel sorry for me, for I am the mother of Eva, and she is a magnificently magical soul. She is much more than her earthly body. It’s not her death that has changed me, but her very existence.💫