HOPE | Day 31
Holy smokes, what a run! Today is the last day of May We All Heal. Right before this began I started this blog hoping to share something daily, so it came along at the right time to really push me in my writing, while I process my grief.
Six months since losing Eva, I wasn’t sure if it was too soon to be so vocal. I appreciate you following along. It was hard and painful at times, but I’m so glad I completed this challenge.
It’s been an honor to connect with other parents through #mwah2018. Your vulnerability is inspiring, and I hope you feel the love I’ve sent to you. It was good to hear from parents further along in their loss and read the impact it still has years later. And also to understand different perspectives of child loss, such as losing older children. I’ve read many of your posts, using the same daily prompts, but you shed light on things I never would have thought to. Thank you for sharing your child and your heart.
I hope that my words will resonate with fellow loss parents, and provide comfort. I also hope I can shed light on our experiences for others. The lessons Eva taught me are profoundly life alternating. May they bring Eva-lasting peace to you too.