On Turning THREE


We are deep into sissy season, with golden leaves falling all around.

I sat with Eva on the morning before her third birthday. The days leading up to these big anniversaries are the hardest, the anticipation, the not really wanting more time to have passed without her. I reached for the Earth Magic oracle deck that I turned to so many times while pregnant with her and then grieving. I asked her what I needed to know and of course she sent the most perfect card: “Autumnal Equinox: Release.” Instructing me to shed what is no longer useful or needed, including material possessions—something I’ve been working feverishly on. I recognize there’s still so much to release in our story. “With release comes a sense of being much lighter, just like the trees that openly bear their nakedness once their leaves have departed and give room for whatever new Life is ready to birth following a period of quiet and gestation.”

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