A Mother‘s Intuition
I have a very deep relationship with Eva through the veil. One that started before she entered my body. So when I found out her terminal diagnosis at 28 weeks pregnant, I got a bit upset with her, that she didn’t give me a head’s up. But let’s be honest, would I have listened?
I had a vision on the acupuncture table years ago. My sister-in-law was pregnant and we had hoped to be carrying children together. With the needles just under my skin, and me in a calm, meditative state, I saw a baby in a NICU bed. There was nothing else around as Max and I stood over the baby. A dead baby. The prophecy shook me to the core and I tucked it away, thinking it was just my subconscious being fearful and my sadness to not be pregnant with my sister.
Not long after Eva died I remembered. It’s true, I wouldn’t have listened if she told me because I was warned. I didn’t want to believe I would ever be standing over my dead baby in a NICU bed.
I have heard many bereaved mothers say that they had a feeling something would go wrong. The wild loops our minds do to explain the “why?” It almost makes us feel like we may have caused their death by even thinking it. Let this be a reminder, you did not.
We have a connection to our children that is unmatched, how could we not be enmeshed? A mother’s intuition crosses even the veil.
Experiences like this have given me the tangible evidence to trust that intuition. Nobody wants to believe that their child will be unwell or die, it’s dark and morbid, yes, but that’s death—our reality. Instead let’s reframe those tinges of knowing. One thing you can believe is that you know your child better than anyone. So let that carry you into the afterlife, as you wonder if your precious babe is okay, or with you. Sit with that mother’s intuition and see what you can tune into.